About SBME
SBME is the ultimate partner for medical device developers looking for comprehensive and reliable solutions. Our knowledgeable team fosters collaboration, working directly alongside our clients to help them meet their needs and achieve their goals, ensuring a smooth and efficient experience throughout the process.
Our Mission
Secure BioMed Evaluations operates as an extension of your team. Whether leading a project or supporting specific areas of your team, we seamlessly mesh with your organization.
Our clients appreciate our ability to form a cohesive team working towards commercialization of medical devices and biologics. We take pride in seeing your ideas materialize, whether bringing your concept to market or developing your concept for acquisition.

Linda Braddon – Founder of Secure BioMed Evaluations
Successes for our Clients
- K230398 3D Printed Patient Specific Plates
- K223421 Orthopedic guides
- K231199 Additive Manufactured Implant
- K223725 Wound Powder
- K223418 Additive Manufactured Implant
- K223059 Spinal System
- K223024 Patient Specific Cutting Guides
- K222967 Cannulated Screws
- K222189 Wound Dressing
- K221488 Zirconia Dental Device
- K220498 Collagen Wound Dressing
- K220357 Patient-Specific Implant
- K213918 Spinal Instrumentation
- K213901 Spine – Cervical
- K213456 Spine – Cervical
- K213455 C-Arm Radiation reduction K211782 C-Arm Radiation reduction
- K211592 Ulnar Plating System
- K210115 Orthodontic Sealant
- K210090 Spine
- K202431 C-Arm Radiation reduction
- K202071 Wound Irrigation System
- K201287 Spine Implants
- K200663 C-Arm Radiation reduction
- K200614 Antimicrobial Cavity Cleanser
- K200376 Surgical software system for hip arthroplasty
- K200238 Sterile Cover
- K193583 Wound Dressing
- K193280 Dental fixation
- K192786 Spine
- K192282 Dental fixation software and surgical guides/splints
- K191118 Orthopedics – Trauma
- K190291 Spine – Additive Manufactured Implants
- K190271 Cavity Cleanser
- K182010 Wound Dressing – Human Keratin
- K180962 Dental – Patient-Specific Implants
- K173814 Spine
- K172936 Knee Replacement
- K172857 Hip Arthroplasty
- K172603 Neurology
- K170300 Wound covering
- K162179 Bone plate
- K161278 Neurology
- K153613 Neurology
- K151496 Spine
- K151462 Spine – SI Joint
- K150824 Electrosurgical tool
- K150759 Spine – Cervical
- K142534 Orthopedics
- K142531 Spine
- K142478 Orthopedics
- K133194 Spine